Intrinsic Snake Oil, Should You Stay Or Should You Go & Aero Song SmithsMay 13, 2022by Joseph HargettGreat StuffFriday Feedback: The “Intrinsic Oils” Edition Great Ones, I hope you’ve had your Wheaties… ‘Cause you’re gonna need them for today’s Friday Feedback discussion about cryptocurrencies and essential oils … erm … I mean intrinsic oil. No, that’s not right either… Intrinsic value. Cryptos and intrinsic value … that’s what we’re talking about today. How […]
The Tango Wall Street, Tesla’s Shanghai Soon & El Salvador’s Bitcoin BopMay 10, 2022by Joseph HargettGreat StuffThe Tango Wall Street Great Ones, I have a question for you: Would you like to tango? You want to tango NOW? I’m so mad that I don’t know what to do! I get it. Stocks are falling like stones, losses down to your bones. And to top it all off, I’m with you. Feel […]
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