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Are You Confusing RSI and RS? You're Not Alone... Are You Confusing RSI and RS? You’re Not Alone… Mike Carr clears up decades of confusion over RSI and RS — and reveals which of the two indicators is more likely to beat the market!
3d-printing Join the 3D-Printing Boom With This ETF If you aren’t investing in 3D-printing stocks right now, you’re missing the boat.
Stopping the Cybersecurity ‘Spiral of Death’ We can learn plenty about where the cybersecurity world is headed by following a lesson from history: More automation. Fewer people. Fewer problems.
We seem to have forgotten about gold in the U.S., where we saw a 46% decline in bullion coin sales this year. But in the U.K. they can’t buy enough of the stuff. Look Who’s Buying Gold Now
by Jeff Yastine May 23, 2017 Gold
We seem to have forgotten about gold in the U.S., where we saw a 46% decline in bullion coin sales this year. But in the U.K. they can’t buy enough of the stuff.

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“At the end of August [2018], my 401K was $659,000. Now, on September 4th [2018], it’s $715,000. My account is up $56,000 in the last 5 days!”

- Warren O

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