A Microsoft Reception, AMD-ominating Data Centers & Shopify StupefiesApril 28, 2021by Joseph HargettGreat StuffMicrosoft Cell: Tainted Love Microsoft (Nasdaq: ) investors feel they’ve got to (bump bump) run away. They’ve got to (bump bump) get away from the fear the market drives into the heart of investing. The gains they fear will seem to go nowhere, and they’ve lost their sight … they toss and turn and can’t […]
General Motors’ Strike Spoils October Job GrowthNovember 1, 2019by Joseph HargettGreat StuffFriday Four Play: The Sugar Rush Edition Sugar, sugar everywhere! Let me set the post-Halloween scene in the Hargett house: If Alderaan were made of candy, and the Death Star blew it up in my kitchen … that’s what I’m living with right now. My girls are bartering candy like Jawas downstairs as I write […]
Beware the Sharing EconomyJuly 24, 2017by Ted BaumanU.S. EconomyTaking a road trip to Minnesota seemed like a great idea. So, too, did the idea of renting an RV through a peer-to-peer service called Outdoorsy.
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