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Amazon doubles down on Alexa and Echo with eight new devices … including a microwave. Yes, an Alexa microwave. Amazon’s Alexa Goes Full Samuel Jackson; Peloton’s Pricey IPO
by Joseph Hargett September 26, 2019 Great Stuff
Say “Alexa” Again, I Dare You No, it’s not 2001. We’re way past that at this point. Alexa is taking over. Inc. (Nasdaq: AMZN) held a major reveal yesterday. There were no spiffy invitations like you get for Apple Inc. (Nasdaq: AAPL) events … so you might have missed it. At the event, Amazon […]
Great Stuff 9-24-2019 Google Won’t Forget You … Ever; Snap Hands Over Project Voldemort
by Joseph Hargett September 24, 2019 Great Stuff
Gone, but Never Forgotten Today, we’re going to talk about digital privacy. It’s not a sexy topic by any means. But it’s a vitally important one. Earlier today, Europe’s highest court ruled in favor of Alphabet Inc.’s (Nasdaq: GOOG) Google. The case centered on Google users’ “right to be forgotten.” At its core, “right to […]
Great Stuff 9-19-2019 Roku Investors out of Touch; Microsoft’s Handing out Cash
by Joseph Hargett September 19, 2019 Great Stuff
Out of Touch on Streaming Shake it up is all that Wall Street knows. Using companies up as they go. But those companies really matter to me. Take a look around. Investors are out of touch with the streaming-device market, but they’re not out of time. (OK, I’ll stop paraphrasing Hall & Oates lyrics now.) […]
Great Stuff 9-18-2019 Facebook’s Altered Reality Glasses; Breaking up With FedEx
by Joseph Hargett September 18, 2019 Great Stuff
Just Rolled Into the Shop Ever have one of those moments driving your car where things just don’t feel right? A slight pull to the side, an engine stutter, a weird hitch while shifting gears … and then everything goes back to normal. There’s no engine light, but you have a feeling that orange beacon […]
If you want to make triple- and quadruple-digit gains in the years ahead, you need to adapt. You need to invest in the tech companies that will dominate the U.S. economy in the next decade. This Red-Hot Tech Investment Will Dominate the 2020s If you want to make triple- and quadruple-digit gains in the years ahead, you need to adapt. You need to invest in the tech companies that will dominate the U.S. economy in the next decade.

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