Latest Insights on HOOD
A Second Look at Life Without the IRS
July 3, 2017 Offshore Accounts
While on vacation to a Caribbean island, Ted Bauman takes another look at the tax benefits of America’s colony. The Better Angels of Our Nature
June 15, 2017 Government & Politics
Pundits warned that we shouldn't politicize Wednesday's shooting. But how do you depoliticize the attempted assassination of Republican lawmakers? National Defense Is a Rock-Solid Investment
April 26, 2017 Investment Opportunities
A leading defense sector company has firm revenue sources for both traditional U.S. defense operations and cybersecurity. How Trumpcare Will Affect American Safety Nets for Rainy Days
March 23, 2017 U.S. Economy
We all do what we can to put money aside, but despite the rebound we’ve seen in the economy, Americans are still struggling and that spells trouble… A Mega Trend That Hits Home
March 11, 2017 Real Estate
Homeownership is near a record low, but things are clearly shifting. For the third year in a row, millennials represented the largest group of home buyers.