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Latest Insights on TASK

digital revolution Opportunity Alert: Get Ready for the Shipping Revolution, Part 2 When I finally found it, my shipment was standing on an enormous wooden pallet in the middle of what looked like a junkyard 20 miles outside Washington, D.C. That was as far as they were going to take it. “They” being the shipping company I’d hired to bring some things from Cape Town to Washington, where I’d taken on a one-year consultancy at the World Bank. The freight forwarder in Cape Town had neglected to offer the option to have things delivered door to door. Oops...
helium hotspot iot This IoT Project Threatens Major Telecoms One Internet of Things (IoT) project I’ve been following could disrupt the entire telecom industry.
blockchain crypto housing Blockchain Is the Airbnb of Digital Assets Airbnb and Uber let us share our physical assets. And blockchains will do the same for our digital assets and resources.
Stripe’s platforms will make it much easier to spend and accept cryptos. That’s a big step for crypto adoption. Why Use Cash? Pay With Cryptos Instead Stripe’s platforms will make it much easier to spend and accept cryptos. That’s a big step for crypto adoption.
billionaire What Do These 4 Billionaires Have in Common? Crypto adoption grew 881% in the last year. It’s no wonder billionaires feel like they’re missing out.

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