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Digital Dollar Bill Friday Feedback: Great Glowing Greenbacks & COIN Option Hacks
by Joseph Hargett March 11, 2022 Great Stuff
Friday Feedback: The “Delightful Digital Dollar” Edition “The time has come,” Mr. Great Stuff said, “To talk of other things, of cryptos and NFTs and secure blockchains. Of digital dollar kings!” “And why the market is boiling hot, and whether EVs have wings. Calloo-callay, we save today for digital dollar kings!” Great Ones, today, much […]
Recession or Not? These Charts Define the Problem Recession or Not? These Charts Define the Problem Historically, rising oil prices and declining consumer sentiment are enough to trigger recessions. Are we in for a bear market now?
Feels to buy first cybersecurity stock hackerman meme CrowdStrike’s Crowd-Pleaser; Build-A-Bear’s Blunder; Asana’s Attitude Adjustment
by Joseph Hargett March 10, 2022 Great Stuff
Only You Can Prevent Cybercrime… Hold up, first I gotta prevent forest fires. Now I’m an online crime stopper? I didn’t sign up for this! It’s Thursday, m’Great Ones, and if you couldn’t tell by now, we’re overdue for our weekly cybersecurity shindig — a celebration of cyber-sleuthing, if you will. I mean, this wasn’t […]
Oil OPEC Sanctions Gordon Ramsey Meme Back In Black Gold; Kohl’s As Ice; Bed, Bath, Assault & Battery
by Joseph Hargett March 7, 2022 Great Stuff
Oil Be Seeing You… In all the most familiar places … gas station lines and NASCAR races … all day through! Great Ones, are y’all feelin’ it at the pump yet? I certainly am, and I work from home! Well, I also run the Hargett family “Uber” with two teenage kids. Some of y’all know […]
Europe declares economic war on Russia 3 Key Plays as Commodities Go to War It may not be World War III out there, but Russia’s invasion of the Ukraine is already sending aftershocks through the world’s commodities markets. In this week’s episode of Your Money Matters, Ted Bauman and Clint Lee take a closer look at what’s happening as sanctions set in and supply chains are stressed in real time. Perhaps more importantly, they share three key plays to help defend and grow your portfolio as the consequences of Russia’s war ripple through the global economy.

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