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Tech Stock Rally: No. 1 Stock to Buy (9-minute read) In this week’s video, Charles Mizrahi has identified a sector that’s thriving even in the pandemic.
Record Earnings Results Make This ETF a BUY [3-minute read] Dismal bank earnings? Look closer and you can find a profit windfall during the crisis ... and an opportunity to make gains.
A Lopsided Stock Market — Worse Than the 2000 Crash? (4-minute read) Five stocks are propping up the S&P 500 right now. The rest of the index is trailing. This isn’t a good sign.
OPEC Countries Are Moving to Crush North American Oil (3-minute read) International oil-producing countries seem to have seen their chance to strangle North American oil companies. So what happens next?
This Chipmaker Will Soar as U.S.-China Tech War Heats Up [3-minute read] One company stands to benefit the most from the American manufacturing resurgence.

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