Latest Insights on VG
Buy Europe’s Unloved Banks While They’re Cheap
January 23, 2018 Stocks
Europe’s economy is on a tear. We’ve certainly seen it in our Total Wealth Insider portfolio, where one of our European banking stocks is up nearly 40%. Play This Miracle on Main Street
December 11, 2017 Stocks
The new tax plan promises to breathe fresh life into a sector that most investors have already written off as dead. Stopping the Cybersecurity ‘Spiral of Death’
October 31, 2017 Investment Opportunities
We can learn plenty about where the cybersecurity world is headed by following a lesson from history: More automation. Fewer people. Fewer problems. Netflix and Amazon Have Plenty of Growth Ahead
October 19, 2017 Investment Opportunities
The cable TV industry is dying, NBC, ABC and CBS viewership is in decline, and Netflix and Amazon are taking over the online world of streaming TV. It’s Still the Cinderella Story of 2017 (and 2018)
October 10, 2017 Global Economy
Six months ago, I called investing in Europe "The Economic Cinderella Story of 2017." Yes, it was grandiose. But it turns out that it was the right call.