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Latest Insights on INO

Lisa Su AMD do you trust me meme AMD’s Data Center Darling, Match’s Dry Tinder & Paramount-ing Losses
by Joseph Hargett November 2, 2022 Great Stuff
AMD: In Su We Trust Hey, Great Ones! You ever see a company miss on earnings, miss on revenue, cut margins and miss on guidance and still get a rally in the stock market? Impossible. There’s no way that happens. Impossible? Nothing’s impossible … merely improbable. And in this case, very highly improbable. But “highly […]
Google love smell burning ad revenue meme Google’s Ad Armageddon, Mobileye’s Eye-PO, Boeing Plays Defense
by Joseph Hargett October 26, 2022 Great Stuff
Google Some Shelter Great Ones, a storm is threatening … Alphabet’s (Nasdaq: ) very life today. If they don’t get some shelter. Yeah, they’re gonna fade away. War, children? Are we really just a shot away? When it comes to the online ad business? Yeah, I think so. But don’t take my word for it. […]
Financial media tech little howling wolf meme Mobileye IPO Gets 68% Haircut, Meta GIFs Up, Hasbro Doesn’t Even Lift
by Joseph Hargett October 18, 2022 Great Stuff, Technology
I Spy With My Mobileye… Great Ones, it’s a good thing that Intel (Nasdaq: ) has President Biden’s CHIPS and Science Act to fall back on … ‘cause that Mobileye savings account isn’t looking quite so hot right at the moment. I’m warning you! Don’t get political! Never, Great Ones … especially with the midterms […]
Prelude to a Currency Crisis Amber and I are back with This Week in Options… And this week, we’re connecting more dots on the global currency crisis just about to unfold...
Fed Stagflation inflation CPI Tom & Jerry meme Inflation, Stagflation, CPI Proclamations & Domino’s Pizza Pies?
by Joseph Hargett October 13, 2022 Great Stuff
Rocked You Like An Inflation Hurricane Great Ones, it starts with an earthquake … the Consumer Price Index and jobless claims. Lenny Bruce is not afraid… We’re in the eye of an inflation hurricane, but you really shouldn’t listen to yourself churn. The world serves its own needs. Don’t mis-serve your own needs. You need […]

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