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Your portfolio on pot bacon meme small Reader Feedback: Cannabis, Workhorse and Brazil Minerals … Oh My! February 4, 2021 by Joseph Hargett Great Stuff Last Dance With Mary Jane? Gooooood morning, Great Ones! Hey, this is not a test. This is Great Stuff’s Reader Feedback! Yes, I know it probably won’t be morning when you read this, but I can’t get Robin Williams and Good Morning Vietnam out of my head. We can thank today’s main topic and its […]
Just like the Spanish Inquisition, Wall Street never expected the Democrats. So how do you profit from this wave of cannabis and green energy? Cannabis Fun in the Sun, Tesla’s Chosen One and Quantum Escape January 6, 2021 by Joseph Hargett Great Stuff Wall Street Faces Election SNADU Break out your value stocks, Great Ones! Georgia election officials have yet to certify the results, but it appears that the Democrats will take control of the Senate. Now, wait! Just … wait. SNADU? Are we just ignoring that headline? What’s a SNADU?  SNADU: Situation normal, all Dem’ed up. Take […]
U.S. Stocks Can’t Weather Another Storm — Look to Europe and Asia for Deals December 11, 2020 by Ted Bauman Big Picture. Big Profits., Investing, Stocks [16-minute video] Low interest rates alone can’t sustain the bull market forever.
Missed market connections: Will Amazon and Echelon find pedal-bound romance? Will China let TikTok move out? Find out When Deals Cry. Echelon, Echel-Off; TikTok Clocked; Aurora Cashed September 23, 2020 by Joseph Hargett Great Stuff When Deals Cry Dig, if you will, the picture … of Echelon and Inc. (Nasdaq: ) engaged in a tryst. The sweat of Peloton Interactive Inc. (Nasdaq: ) investors covers them. Can you, dear reader? Can you picture this? Dream, if you can, a video app — TikTok profits in bloom. Gen Z kids […]
The world’s first Great Stuff Picks Portfolio review is here waiting with antici …. pation for you to open it and get started trading! Great Stuff Picks: Portfolio Review June 18, 2020 by Joseph Hargett Great Stuff The world’s first Great Stuff Picks Portfolio review is here waiting with antici …. pation for you to open it and get started trading!

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“Thirteen of my positions are up well over 50% in less than a year since joining your service. Two are in the triple digits with several close behind. My personal money manager, who works for one of the largest banks in the country, is envious of my gains. I never dreamed this was possible. My trips to China to teach English to young Chinese students is now much more affordable. Thank you for your dedication and help.”

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“At the end of August [2018], my 401K was $659,000. Now, on September 4th [2018], it’s $715,000. My account is up $56,000 in the last 5 days!”

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