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The latest big company to be hacked? Pizza Hut found itself the victim of a hack attack — alongside 60,000 customers who had their credit card info exposed. Hack Attacks Are Corporate America’s Worst Nightmare The latest big company to be hacked? Pizza Hut found itself the victim of hack attacks — alongside 60,000 customers who had their credit card info exposed.
‘Special’ Issue: Staking Out Stealth Dividend Yields
by Optin October 17, 2017 Adventure Capitalist
So far in Adventure Capitalist, I’ve combed the entire investment universe to bring you value and growth stocks with the highest return potential. That list includes micro-caps, small-caps, miners, foreign stocks and everything in between. And we’ve had a great run in recent years. Last year, our portfolio booked a return of +41% vs. the S&P […]
If you're worried about your health care coverage, you need to start thinking of an alternative to insurance companies … and I know just the thing. Health Care Coverage Has 1 Powerful New Trick
by Ted Bauman October 16, 2017 Government & Politics
If you're worried about your health care coverage, you need to start thinking of an alternative to insurance companies … and I know just the thing.
Amazon isn't afraid to fail. And that's given Amazon a long track record of failures when it comes to entering a new market. Amazon Has a Long Track Record of Failures Amazon isn't afraid to fail. And that's given Amazon a long track record of failures when it comes to entering a new market.
As we move into a world where more pieces of our life are connected, we are facing vulnerabilities that need to be addressed through cybersecurity. Cybersecurity: An Industry of Opportunity As we move into a world where more pieces of our life are connected, we are facing vulnerabilities that need to be addressed through cybersecurity.

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