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Market Breadth Indicators Just Flashed a Warning Sign February 12, 2018 Economy Breadth indicators measure how many stocks are participating in a price move. They aren’t as popular as momentum indicators, but they are more useful.
2 Key Ways to Sidestep the Sell-Off February 10, 2018 Trading Strategies Market breadth has turned negative, so here’s what to do…
T.J. Maxx is a Brick-And-Mortar Bargain Stock February 9, 2018 Trading Strategies This correction will pass. You will likely suffer losses. But finally, when the dust clears, you can be ready to snap up value stocks at a serious discount…
Gasoline Has a Dirty Secret, and It’s Making Investors Rich February 9, 2018 Oil We’ve had nearly four years of low gasoline prices. However, we’re paying more for gasoline now, on a relative basis, than we did back in 2008.
This Sell-Off Is Unlike Any in Market History February 8, 2018 U.S. Economy After a sharp sell-off, the Dow was down more than 10%. Declines of 10% in less than two weeks are fairly common. Yet the most recent one stands out as unique.