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Forget the market — today is all about YOU! Your questions, your emails, your snide remarks … and your triple-digit gains on CrowdStrike! Praise for CrowdStrike’s Beat and Raise; Set Our Inbox Ablaze!
by Joseph Hargett September 3, 2020 Great Stuff
Strike Hard, Strike Fast Welcome once again to Great Stuff’s Reader Feedback day! Today is all about you. Even this opening section of Great Stuff is about you. That is … unless you don’t trade the Great Stuff Picks portfolio. Then it’s not all about you. But them’s the breaks when you don’t take advantage […]
Walmart eyes social media, Roku’s on fire and retail earnings break records. Oh yeah! There’s also that “inflation” thing… Powell Powers Through: Walmart Eyes TikTok, Big Lots’ Profit Tops
by Joseph Hargett August 28, 2020 Great Stuff
Friday Four Play: The “Never Break the Chain” Edition Powell rings like a bell through the night, and wouldn’t you love to love him? Took to the sky without a rate hike, when will we get another? All your life you’ve never seen a market taken by the wind. Would you stay if he promised […]
The Dow has been oh so quiet lately, while the Nasdaq and S&P 500 hit all-time highs. But it won’t stay that way for long. Quiet Dow; Target Now; A Momenta(s) Occasion
by Joseph Hargett August 19, 2020 Great Stuff
It’s Oh So Quiet It’s oh so quiet. Shh … shh. The Dow’s oh so still. Shh … shh. It’s been seven days. Shh … shh. It’s oh so peaceful until … volatility explodes. Zing! Boom! Björk? Really, Mr. Great Stuff? What can I say? The brain wants what the brain wants. I heard this […]
Bad companies till the day you die? No sir! You read Great Stuff — we’ve got you covered. Apple’s Epic War; Tesla Scores; Applied for More
by Joseph Hargett August 14, 2020 Great Stuff
Friday Four Play: The “Bad Company” Edition Economy … always on the run. Wall Street is the rising sun. We were born, portfolios in our hands. With great research, we’ll make our final stand. That’s why they call me … Great Stuff, and I can’t deny. I’m here to make sure you don’t invest in […]
The stock market remains a silly place, but Great Stuff Picks can help set you straight. Plus, Reader Feedback is in the house! Roku Go Boom; A Sticky Wix It; Reader Feedback
by Joseph Hargett August 6, 2020 Great Stuff
An Online State of Mind Welcome to Reader Feedback day here at Great Stuff! You guys sure were talkative this week … some more so than others. But we’ll get to your emails in a bit. First, let’s look at the market today. Initial weekly jobless claims hit 1.19 million in the U.S. last week, […]

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“At the end of August [2018], my 401K was $659,000. Now, on September 4th [2018], it’s $715,000. My account is up $56,000 in the last 5 days!”

- Warren O

“Loving the 238% gain after I bought your recommendation in Sept. 2019! This week (July 21, 2020) will be my 1 year anniversary with your amazing team … thanks for the life-changing work you all do! Between all your services, 14 triple-digit gains, the greatest at 358%!"

- Matt

"You told me to ignore the noise on Wall Street. And thanks to you, I started towards the end of 2016 with $200,000 in my account and I recently put in an extra $100,000. [As of February 2019] My account is worth $500,788! I would’ve missed out if I followed conventional wisdom."

- Helen C.

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