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Bad companies till the day you die? No sir! You read Great Stuff — we’ve got you covered. Apple’s Epic War; Tesla Scores; Applied for More
by Joseph Hargett August 14, 2020 Great Stuff
Friday Four Play: The “Bad Company” Edition Economy … always on the run. Wall Street is the rising sun. We were born, portfolios in our hands. With great research, we’ll make our final stand. That’s why they call me … Great Stuff, and I can’t deny. I’m here to make sure you don’t invest in […]
This Week: We’re Guiding You Through a Jumbled Economy (5-minute read) Commentators are making wild predictions about the post-pandemic world. We don’t bother listening to them — we focus on numbers.
Sure, the media obsessed over the Russian vaccine and the American VP today. But we’re not about that run-of-the-mill insanity — instead, here’s what stories slipped through the cracks. Warp Speed Receipts; Duck Amok; More Tesla Shmucks
by Joseph Hargett August 12, 2020 Great Stuff
Wall Street’s Mixed Nuts It was another one of those days on Wall Street today. Nothing overly positive, and nothing Fed-shakingly catastrophic. Remember, for this market rally to break, the news has to be bad enough to outweigh the Federal Reserve’s unlimited stimulus. We’re not there … yet. Sure, there were some major headlines that […]
Jobs data reveals more economic troubles. We’ve already had one kickstart this year with the CARES Act. But what about a second kickstart? Economic Kickstart; Rocket Man IPO; Uber Eaten
by Joseph Hargett August 7, 2020 Great Stuff
Friday Four Play: The “Shout at Wall Street” Edition When I get gains, I trade Robinhood free. Market investing is a drug for me. My heart, my heart. Kickstart my economic heart. But we’ve already had one kickstart this year with the CARES Act. So, what about a second kickstart? Looks like we’ll have to […]
Big Tech is gonna go FAAA. It’s gonna fly high. It’s never gonna die. You can invest in it if you try. They’re gonna love you. Tech Earnings Bonanza: Apple Cooks Brunch, Amazon Steals Lunch
by Joseph Hargett July 31, 2020 Great Stuff
Friday Four Play: The “Go FAAA” Edition Come in here, dear boy, have a cigar. You’re gonna go FAAA! Big Tech is gonna fly high — it’s never gonna die. You can invest in it if you try. They’re gonna love you… FAAA? What’s this FAAA you speak of, Mr. Great Stuff? Well, aside from […]

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