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Latest Insights on NINE

3 BRIC Chinese Internet Stocks Are Making a Comeback If the patterns play out like they did the last time around, we could pick up 100% gains on all three of these Chinese internet stocks in the next year.
Trading Muscles How to Get out of a Trading Slump in Any Market When a basketball player goes through a slump, they tend to shoot their way out of that slump. And as a trader, sometimes you have to have a shooter’s mentality.
Average Active Investor 3 Tips for Finding a Professional Stock Trader to Follow We often give in to fear because we’re not quite sure what the markets are doing. And often, our financial advisers don’t seem to take their responsibilities to heart.
President Trump Is Acting Just Like JFK Trump’s attack on an important industry, like Kennedy’s, accelerated in the spring of a midterm election year. History says this could be bearish for the stock market.
Veterans’ Scandal-Ridden Health Care Is Still a Disaster The Veteran Affairs crisis provides a cautionary example of what happens when nervous Washington politicians try to micromanage a medical system.

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