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The anti-offshore crowd of high-tax, deficit-spending politicians are trying to smear Nevada and other states as international money laundering centers. Offshore America
by Bob Bauman April 21, 2017 Taxes
The anti-offshore crowd of high-tax, deficit-spending politicians are trying to smear Nevada and other states as international money laundering centers.
According to the National Financial Conditions Index, the Federal Reserve's tightening process hasn’t had an impact on the markets yet. Loose Money Policies Make Today Look Like the ‘90s
by Chad Shoop April 21, 2017 U.S. Economy
According to the National Financial Conditions Index, the Federal Reserve's tightening process hasn’t had an impact on the markets yet.
When even the richest of American cities start to struggle with pension problems, it shows you we’re approaching a crisis point. The Detroit of Tomorrow?
by Jeff Yastine April 18, 2017 U.S. Economy
When even the richest of American cities start to struggle with pension problems, it shows you we’re approaching a crisis point. Guns vs. Butter: Can America Afford to be the World’s Cop?
by Ted Bauman April 17, 2017 U.S. Economy
All of our annual income tax payments effectively go to the annual military budget. To be frank, I’m concerned about our country ending up like Rome.
Adapting to the New Economy
by Chad Shoop April 17, 2017 Trading Strategies
With all the changes in the market in the past few months, the coming shift is inevitable … and you don’t want to be on the wrong side of it.

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