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2017 Market Plan of Attack December 31, 2016 U.S. Economy As we prepare to tick over to 2017, it’s important that we all take steps to break out of our comfort zones, expand our knowledge base, and take intelligent, calculated risks.
Farming the Internet of Things (IoT) December 27, 2016 Investment Opportunities Few industries are better suited for the IoT than agriculture. The soil data alone can be invaluable. Not surprisingly, big agriculture companies smell opportunity in the wind.
Privacy Invasion: Stop the Santa Lie December 24, 2016 Privacy Invasion Privacy is a lie. We’ve been fed this idea since childhood. Santa is watching. Knows if you’ve been bad or good, and offers rewards for this violation. It’s time to draw a line.
The EU Meltdown December 7, 2016 Gold The European Union is headed for meltdown with the failure of the Italian referendum vote. Many votes are still ahead and this spells trouble for U.S.
8 Steps to Securing Online Privacy November 28, 2016 Privacy Invasion No matter who’s in charge, government always finds a way to justify new methods to invade our privacy. So, here are eight steps you can take right now to mitigate the damage.