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USDT Cass Freight Index Depicts Longer Bull Market October 23, 2018 U.S. Economy Despite various headwinds, carriers placed a record number of orders for new trucks this quarter. September saw orders for semitrucks jump 92%.
The ADL Rate Just Reached Bear Market Levels October 22, 2018 Stocks From high to low, the S&P 500 Index dropped about 7.8%. Of course, we don’t know if the bear market started yet. But we do know the decline isn’t over.
FAANG Stocks Will Fall the Most In the Next Bear Market October 18, 2018 Stocks Most stocks and indexes move in line with the S&P 500 Index. But some show fear or greed earlier or later than the S&P 500.
Robinhood Built Satan’s Playground in the Middle of Wall Street October 16, 2018 Trading Strategies Robinhood offers free trades. That’s a good deal, if it’s true. But since we know there can’t be a free lunch, it’s obvious Robinhood makes money somewhere.
Market Volatility Has Arrived Like an Unexpected Hurricane October 12, 2018 Investing The CBOE Volatility Index (VIX), dormant for months, jumped almost 90%. On top of the bond market mess, investors are wary of what lies ahead.