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Europe What Wall Street Is Missing - Spain Europe: What Wall Street Is Missing
by Jeff Opdyke May 4, 2016 Global Economy
As the second largest member of the PIIGS pack, Spain was much reviled. But the country has rebounded despite anti-austerity bloviating. So much for Keynesian doomsaying …
The Death of Encryption The Death of Encryption
by Ted Bauman April 25, 2016 Privacy Invasion
Data encryption is the last line of defense between your privacy and government overreach. But a new privacy-destroying bill before the Senate could put your personal data at risk.
food riots Welcome to the Real Hunger Games
by Jeff Yastine April 12, 2016 Commodities
Shifts in economic growth and weather patterns threaten to decimate world food production ... leading to soaring commodity prices and potential food riots.
Taking Back America - Freedoms Taking Back America The last few presidents have run roughshod over our freedoms, and the incoming class of “hopefuls” offer little hope. But, in the end, it’s up to us to determine America’s future…
Gold: Monetary Disaster Insurance Monetary Disaster Insurance
by Jeff Yastine March 29, 2016 Gold
When a financial firm like Munich Re starts vaulting gold and griping about monetary policy, you have to believe that they might be on to something serious.

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