Latest Insights on OLO
The Chinese Real Estate Chill March 8, 2016 Real Estate Misguided federal policy has cast a chill over the U.S. economy, leaving the luxury real estate markets in New York and Miami in the lurch. But the impact could soon spread to other major markets, as Chinese buyers go silent.
P2P Lending: The Seed That May Destroy “Too Big to Fail” March 7, 2016 U.S. Economy With the political clout to write its own rules, Wall Street is doing what it has always done … with expected results. But P2P lending is sowing the seeds that could bring it all tumbling down.
Government Regulation Affects on the Electric Vehicle Industry March 1, 2016 Government & Politics Do automakers dream of electric vehicles? With regulations strangling revenue, EVs have become a nightmare — products no one wants or can afford, produced to meet government mandates. If EVs are a dream, automakers would like to wake up now.
Anywhere But Here February 29, 2016 Offshore Living Our political system is in turmoil, our Constitution is under strain, our quality of life is falling and here you are, waiting for the other shoe to drop. Isn’t it about time you set aside ideology and focus on what’s important?
Privacy for Sale: No Warrant Needed February 17, 2016 Privacy Invasion Police may need a warrant to use GPS to track your vehicle, but new high-tech toys have created a serious loophole for government surveillance. As a result, tracking your car has created an unholy alliance between profit and policing.