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Regifting the Santa Claus Rally; Nio and Tesla Shockers December 30, 2019 Great Stuff Wall Street’s White Elephant Party Santa Claus has been good to the market this year. Well … at least until today. We’re on day four of the so-called Santa Claus rally — the five-day rally at the end of every year — and investors are “regifting.” By all measures, today is Wall Street’s white elephant […]
Week in Review: The Can’t-Miss Stock Insights from 2019 December 28, 2019 Trending, Winning Investor Daily This week, we shared some of the best Sovereign Investor Daily articles of 2019. It was a busy week because of the holidays, though … so you might have missed some of them.
Why Netflix Options Are a Better Buy Than NFLX Stock December 28, 2019 American Investor Today, Income, Investing, Saturday News Letter Streaming TV giant Netflix reported earnings on Wednesday after the market closed. It crushed analysts’ estimated earnings per share (EPS) by 41%. The market was thrilled — and it rewarded the stock. Shares were up 8% on Thursday morning. That’s fantastic! If you owned 100 shares of Netflix, your $28,628 grew to $30,449 overnight. But as great as that surge was … Netflix investors could have made even more money.
Aurora-Coke Rumors: All Smoke and No Toke December 26, 2019 Great Stuff Share a Coke With Aurora Cannabis? Are you well rested from the holiday break? I hope so, because I have a doozy of a conspiracy theory in the cannabis sector for you today. It involves the most widely held stock on Robinhood and the world’s largest soft drink maker. Before we get to the speculation, […]
[UPDATE]: 2 Great Real Estate Stocks for the New Year December 26, 2019 Investment Opportunities, Real Estate, Winning Investor Daily I met with a group of well-connected folks in the world of commercial real estate. It was fitting to talk about investing in buildings while surrounded by some of the most beautiful real estate I’ve ever seen.…