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Anywhere But Here -quality of life Anywhere But Here
by Ted Bauman February 29, 2016 Offshore Living
Our political system is in turmoil, our Constitution is under strain, our quality of life is falling and here you are, waiting for the other shoe to drop. Isn’t it about time you set aside ideology and focus on what’s important?
License Plate Readers Privacy for Sale: No Warrant Needed
by Ted Bauman February 17, 2016 Privacy Invasion
Police may need a warrant to use GPS to track your vehicle, but new high-tech toys have created a serious loophole for government surveillance. As a result, tracking your car has created an unholy alliance between profit and policing.
A Bull On Gold and Technology A Bull on Gold and Technolgy
by Jeff Yastine February 3, 2016 Investing
Looking for a bull market? Paul , the latest addition to the Sovereign team, sees investment opportunities in gold, precious metals stocks and disruptive technologies. Read the rest of Paul's interview to find out why...
Image for Wall Street Interview With a Wall Street Insider
by Jeff Yastine February 2, 2016 Investing
Meet the latest addition to our team, a former Wall Street insider, and find out why he believes that there's always a bull market out there ... somewhere...
Image for silver supply Silver’s Shrinking Supply
by Jeff Yastine January 26, 2016 Precious Metals
The world's silver supply is shrinking. Not only is less of the precious metal being mined, but fewer people are selling their scrap silver. With so little supply, but growing demand, prices are bound to jump.

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