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What’s that behind curtain No. 1? Why, it’s a brand-new trade deal! Find out why Wall Street is rallying on this controversial new deal. A Tariffic Trade Deal; Boeing Clears the Air The Trade Deal Price Is Right Last week, President Donald Trump chose curtain No. 1 and got himself a brand-new, shiny “phase 1” trade deal with China! He seems pretty happy with it. He even took it for a spin a few times around Twitter to show it off for the press. Wall Street, too, […]
After dropping another multibillion-dollar rescue, it’s time Wall Street and the Federal Reserve address the elephant in the room. Will Netflix Bow to Baby Yoda?
by Joseph Hargett December 11, 2019 Great Stuff
All We Are Saying Ev’rybody’s talking ’bout revolution, evolution, regulation, meditations, United Nations… But all the Federal Reserve is saying is give quantitative easing (QE) a chance. Actually, the Fed isn’t saying that … directly, anyway. (Sorry for the poor lead-in, John.) Today, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell held U.S. interest rates steady and promised […]
We’re staring down the barrel of what could prove to be the most eventful week of the year. What’s so important this week? Central banks and trade war deals, that’s what. Tesla Stock Price Insanity; Biotech Buyout Madness
by Joseph Hargett December 9, 2019 Great Stuff
Are You Ready to Make A Deal? We’re staring down the barrel of what could prove to be the most eventful week of the year … and the market is holding its breath. (But don’t hold yours. Seriously, it’s a week. You can’t hold your breath for an entire week!) What’s so important this week? […]
When it comes to the U.S.-China trade war: Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice … it’s peanuts. Biotech Buyouts and Peloton Fallouts
by Joseph Hargett December 3, 2019 Great Stuff
Don’t Get Fooled Again OK, dear readers. Today’s secret word is “tariffs.” When you hear the secret word, scream really loud! As if you all weren’t screaming really loud already. The Dow is down more than 400 points, and all the major market indexes have shed roughly 1% or more. And why are we mired […]
Huge companies such as Apple or Microsoft have seen their share prices rise to new all-time highs in recent months. The Next Apple Stock: These 3 Company Traits Create Superstar Investments In an economy facing uncertainty over trade, investors want something other than promises in the stocks they buy.

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