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Beware the Fool’s Gold Rush
by Jeff Yastine June 28, 2016 Gold
Counterfeiting has been around for centuries. It's big business. But with the recent discovery of fake gold bars bearing a highly respected mark, where you buy has become more important than what you buy.
Could The Subprime Meltdown Happen Again & What Would it Look Like?
by Jeff Yastine June 21, 2016 U.S. Economy
After an eight-year hiatus, subprime mortgages are back. Now called non-prime to hide their ugly past, these loans are fueling a brand new housing bubble. What could go wrong?
The Great Banking Lie The Great Banking Lie The financial sector wasn’t always looking for its next revenue fix. Savings and loan was the name of the game during the Industrial Revolution ... back before banks became economic parasites.
Even the Fed Can’t Keep Gold Down
by Jeff Yastine May 24, 2016 Gold
We are only five months into 2016, and sales of gold coins at the U.S. Mint have nearly doubled. Demand for physical gold is soaring, and even the Fed will have trouble slowing its ascent.
Fear the U.S. Dollar Kill Switch The Paradox of Cash: It’s Always the Government’s Money
by Ted Bauman May 23, 2016 Currency
For most of human history, we’ve lived in largely cashless societies. It’s nothing new. But there are concerns about a modern cashless society, and the real threat should terrify you.

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