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Your Edge Over Wall Street’s Slot Machines June 1, 2022 Investing, Real Talk, Stocks (3-minute read) The house doesn't always win. Here's where investors have an edge over Wall Street...
AMC, Paramount & Housing Prices Hit Mach 10 May 31, 2022 Great Stuff Maverick Investment Ideas Great Ones, are you feeling the need for speed? Ready to jump off the deck and shove it into overdrive? Might as well. We’re already on the highway to the danger zone, Mr. Great Stuff. Well, I’ve got two potential sleepers all wrapped up in one tidy package today … and it […]
A Technical Indicator So Simple, My Four-Year-Old Could Trade It May 31, 2022 Investing, Technical Tuesday, Trading Strategies, True Options Masters Mike Carr's daughter played an instrumental role in how he codes technical indicators — including his latest and greatest "Greed Gauge."
Housing Crashes, Coinbase Clashes & Tesla Trashes May 27, 2022 Great Stuff Friday Feedback: The “Housing Crashes” Edition Arrr ya ready, Great Ones! Aye! Aye! Mr. Great Stuff! Oooh! Who lives in Kentucky out in BFE? Mr. Great Stuff! Absorbent and yellow and porous is he! Mr. … wait, you get us with this every time! Yeah, and I still think it’s funny. Y’all know what today […]
Earn Crypto With This Fitness App May 27, 2022 Cryptocurrency, Winning Investor Daily You can get free crypto just by going on a walk or running every day.