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Broken System The Financial System Is Broken! Here’s Proof…
by Martin Weiss March 21, 2018 Trading Strategies
Don’t believe it? Then I challenge you to refute it!
Oil Is Screaming “Buy Me!” Again Oil shale production is growing like crazy now. But knowing why shale drilling stocks are flailing is crucial to understanding why oil prices will keep moving higher.
Wearable Technology Wearable Technology Is Entering Its Next Phase As the first phase of wearable technology is dominated by things like fitness trackers, the second one is expected to be much different.
Trade Wars Trade Wars Are Economic Self-Mutilation
by Bob Bauman March 13, 2018 Economy
International trade as economic conflict, also known as trade wars, creates a real threat to American profits and U.S. jobs.
Don’t Fall for Corporate America’s Dirty Trick
by Ted Bauman March 12, 2018 U.S. Economy
This once-illegal activity is the single largest short-term driver of the stock market.

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