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The Trump Bump
February 14, 2017 Stocks
The ideas driving the Russell 2000 Index’s advance are similar to the ones driving larger-cap stocks — with one major exception. The World’s Cheapest Stock Markets
February 9, 2017 Global Economy
For those who believe it’s always darkest before the dawn, there are great long-term investments in countries that seem overwhelmed by bad news. The Best Indicator You’ve Never Heard Of
February 7, 2017 Trading Strategies
Good analysis means simply having an edge over everybody else because you worked harder and found ideas where no one else was looking. Insiders Are Bailing
February 6, 2017 Trading Strategies
Right now, companies are struggling to convince me they are good buys because of one simple measure of their sentiment — the insider transactions ratio. Energy Is a Long-Term Buy
February 6, 2017 Trading Strategies
When a rubber band is stretched too far, it tends to snap back. The same is true of stocks in the long run … with the long run measured in years.