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Elon Musk Twitter buyout midlife crisis meme Tesla’s Tweet Nothings, UPS Up Ended, Toilet Paper & Puppy Indicators
by Joseph Hargett April 26, 2022 Great Stuff
Tesla Gets Twitterpated Great Ones, I regret that I ever heard of Twitter (NYSE: ), Elon Musk or Tesla (Nasdaq: ). This trio of trading titillation is literally everywhere, all the time. Honestly, it reminds me of an old Lamb Chop song: ♫ This is the song that never ends. Yes, it goes on and […]
Peloton raises prices subsidize failing company meme Peloton’s Problematic Promise, Banks Be Busted & DiDi’s Do Or Die
by Joseph Hargett April 18, 2022 Great Stuff
Punched, Right In The Peloton Great Ones, the saga of Peloton’s (Nasdaq: ) fall from grace continued on Friday. And if you’re wondering why we skipped over it … well, Friday Feedback is important, you know? Given that most of y’all probably aren’t holding PTON stock, Friday’s news probably doesn’t affect you. You aren’t holding […]
Elon Musk cowardly lion guard his profits meme Tesla’s Split-Second Decision, Beyond’s Plant-Based Problem & Please Yield
by Joseph Hargett March 28, 2022 Great Stuff
It’s Splitsville For Tesla Great Ones, what makes the Musk Man guard his musk? Profits! What makes Tesla (Nasdaq: ) a wonder of Wall Street? Profits! What makes TSLA stock come up like thunder? Profits! What has Musk got that other electric vehicle (EV) makers ain’t got? Profits? Yeah, pretty much. Tesla CEO Elon Musk […]
Crypto harmful environment Are Cryptos Harmful for the Environment? The way data is framed can lead to different conclusions around the energy use and environmental impact of cryptos.
SpongeBob IRS Trading $16 Profit Meme Simmer-Down Sunday: Something Taxing This Way Comes
by Joseph Hargett January 9, 2022 Great Stuff
The Taxman Cometh Let me tell you how 2022 will be! One meme for you, nineteen for me? Pssh, let’s not get meme-greedy now. This is Great Stuff — y’all know there are enough memes to go around! And around, and around, and around… Besides, I’m not the taxman … just a messenger. And I […]

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