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Of all the Internet of Things capabilities, these devices are one of the uses that are bound to see massive commercial growth within the next year or two. 400 Million of These Futuristic Gadgets Will Be in Stores Soon Of all the Internet of Things capabilities, these devices are one of the uses that are bound to see massive commercial growth within the next year or two.
Gold is a great hedge against a collapse in the market. In this environment of ever more paper money, gold has a place in your portfolio today. This 1 Chart Explains Why You Should Buy Gold in 2017
by Matt Badiali August 15, 2017 Gold
Gold is a great hedge against a collapse in the market. In this environment of ever more paper money, gold has a place in your portfolio today.
There are some dangerous toys that I won’t be buying my nieces this next Christmas because I want to keep my family safe. Parents Have Been Warned: Destroy This Toy
by Jocelynn Smith August 11, 2017 Privacy Invasion
There are some dangerous toys that I won’t be buying my nieces this next Christmas because I want to keep my family safe.
The IoT has become an extremely hot topic over the past couple of years, and it will become a $4 trillion industry over the next two to three years. The IoT Revolution Is Coming to Your Home The IoT has become an extremely hot topic over the past couple of years, and it will become a $4 trillion industry over the next two to three years.
Everyone on Wall Street is praising Apple’s quarterly results. However, they're overlooking some key risks that could negatively affect Apple's stock. Apple Is No Longer a ‘Sure Thing’ Investment Everyone on Wall Street is praising Apple’s quarterly results. However, they're overlooking some key risks that could negatively affect Apple's stock.

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