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Plan Now to Avoid a Retirement Nightmare December 4, 2018 Retirement Part of the American dream has always been the ideal of a carefree retirement. But unless you plan carefully, you could easily run out of money.
Utilities Stocks Are Outperforming the Market — Here’s Why November 30, 2018 Investment Opportunities Utilities are emerging as a safe haven. In the last six months, the SPDR Utilities Index returned 8%. That compares to the S&P 500 Index’s loss of 2.4%.
Globalize Your Health Care … It’ll Save You Thousands November 27, 2018 Offshore Solutions This is no longer a question of “medical tourism.” It's a rational choice in an increasingly globalized health care market.
Net Income Margins Says Stocks Can’t Reach New Highs November 26, 2018 Stocks Economists often write dense papers. Advanced math makes their arguments almost impossible to understand. Sometimes, an economist speaks clearly. Herb Stein, chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers under Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford, did that once. He explained the entire world with just nine words. “If something cannot go on forever, it will stop.” […]
Net Income Margins Says Stocks Can’t Reach New Highs November 26, 2018 Stocks Net income margins of the companies in the S&P 500 Index reached a record high last quarter. And that sets up the next bear market.