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Reader Feedback: Stuff It. Great Stuff It Good! November 12, 2020 Great Stuff Crack That Whip! When a problem comes along, you Great Stuff it. If the market does you wrong, you Great Stuff it. You will never live it down … unless you Stuff it. Welcome to Reader Feedback day! Today is the day when Great Ones get the chance to tell the market — or Mr. […]
Enjoy the Federal Reserve’s “Punch Bowl” While It Lasts November 9, 2020 U.S. Economy, Winning Investor Daily The Federal Reserve replaced the punch bowl with a Jacuzzi spiked with grain alcohol. But that wasn’t the end of it.
It’s Friday, I’m in Plug; Why Intel Fell; Fastly Flustered October 23, 2020 Great Stuff Friday Four Play: The “Drought Has Ended” Edition I have good news for you today, Great Ones! The Great Stuff Picks drought has ended. The seal is broken, so to speak. Aren’t you just dying to know what Great Stuff’s new recommendation is? The company I recommend today is up roughly 300% this year, and […]
Hit on Nikola, Lost Banking Boys and Zombies October 22, 2020 Great Stuff Great Stuff Reader Feedback answers your questions on Nikola (again), hydrogen power, banking issues, lost boys and zombies. Yes … zombies.
Gold’s 20-Year Rally Is Only the Beginning October 2, 2020 Gold, Winning Investor Daily Even though its price has pulled back a bit recently, gold’s incredible run is far from over.