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Market Meltdown: Gold Is Your Safe Haven Right Now August 10, 2019 Gold, Natural Resources, Saturday News Letter, U.S. Economy The markets are falling on trade war tensions and the Federal Reserve’s rate cut. Our experts recommend one safe-haven buy for volatile times — as well as exposure to avoid. (4-minute read)
Mattel’s Mysterious Whistleblower & Uber’s Über Loss August 9, 2019 Great Stuff Friday Four Play: Core Prices, Chips and Uber Hit the Skids Remember when Fridays were fun? You’d go out with coworkers or friends after work to relax and forget about the week. Lately, it seems that we’re going out just to maintain our sanity after all our hard investing work gets dashed to pieces by […]
Aurora Cannabis Is Smokin’ — and So Is Your Great Stuff Portfolio August 6, 2019 Great Stuff It’s Time to Buy the Dip Did you panic yesterday? I hope you didn’t panic. You’ll miss out on the rebound if you did. What rebound? Can’t you see all the green in the market today? Let’s look at some numbers, shall we? (Why are there so many questions today? Are we being tested?) Yesterday, […]
Gold and Gold Stocks Are the Investment of the Next 25 Years August 5, 2019 American Investor Today, Gold, Investment Opportunities, Natural Resources, Precious Metals, U.S. Economy Gold prices are on the rise, and many investors are selling their shares. But the U.S.-China trade war and slow growth in the U.S. economy will make gold a favorable hedge. Matt Badiali talks about the huge disconnect between gold stocks and Wall Street, and why it’s time to follow the smart money and invest in the yellow metal. (3-minute read)
Tesla’s $7 Trillion Race With Google Heats Up August 2, 2019 Technology, Winning Investor Daily Self-driving cars need large datasets. And the two companies with the most data are Tesla and Waymo, Google’s self-driving car company.