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Latest Insights on ROLL

rally Don't Bet on This Stock Market Rally Stocks have enjoyed a nice rally to record highs over the past month, leaving traders worried they have missed out. But is it wise to jump on this rally?
A Market Rally Better Than Santa Claus Better Than Santa Claus
by Chad Shoop November 25, 2016 Investment Opportunities
The Santa Claus rally. The name alone sounds fascinating. While there is some truth to this rally, there are better market patterns worth getting excited about.
The Answer to Rising Inflation The Answer to Rising Inflation
by Jeff Yastine November 22, 2016 Bonds, U.S. Economy
Remember in the 1980s when interest rates were at an ungodly 20%? Thirty-seven years from today, we may look back on 2016 in the same way … as the year inflation truly bottomed.
Big Brother Trump Is Watching Big Brother Trump Is Watching
by Ted Bauman November 21, 2016 Privacy Invasion
Set aside your feelings for Trump’s broader agenda. Focus on his intentions for privacy and free speech. He has never expressed interest in protecting civil liberties. In fact, it's quite the opposite...
The Stock Market Crushing Elephant
by Chad Shoop November 11, 2016 U.S. Economy
America will soon be under complete Republican control — House, Senate, president. Looking back at prior periods of single-party control reveals a rather shocking stock market discovery…

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