Trade War Update; Amazon Spends Big; Christmas Is ComingOctober 25, 2019by Joseph HargettGreat StuffFriday Four Play: The “It’s Way Too Quiet” Edition If you’ve been following the Great Stuff Trade War Cycle chart, you know that we’ve been stuck at “No progress is made” for about two weeks. There have been no major headlines. No tweets from President Trump. Nothing. It’s been unusually quiet … almost too quiet. […]
WeWork’s Lesson in Unicorn Chasing; Tesla Bears Get CrushedOctober 24, 2019by Joseph HargettGreat StuffThe Trouble With Chasing Unicorns I think it’s safe to say that I have a unique sense of humor. That’s putting it politely. It’s definitely not one you find very often in the financial realm. However, the saga of WeWork has brought out the inner cynic in more than a few op-ed writers lately. I […]
Star Wars Tops Endgame, Disney & Verizon Force Netflix Deeper in DebtOctober 22, 2019by Joseph HargettGreat StuffThe Rise of Walt Disney Are you ready for the biggest news today? Hint: It’s not the SoftBank takeover of WeWork — anyone paying attention knew this was going to happen. SoftBank couldn’t afford to lose any more face with its big-time investors. That said, a valuation of between $7.5 billion and $8 billion is […]
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