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Don’t go chasing unicorns; please stick to the indexes and the stocks that you’re used to. WeWork was going to have things its way or nothing at all. WeWork’s Lesson in Unicorn Chasing; Tesla Bears Get Crushed
by Joseph Hargett October 24, 2019 Great Stuff
The Trouble With Chasing Unicorns I think it’s safe to say that I have a unique sense of humor. That’s putting it politely. It’s definitely not one you find very often in the financial realm. However, the saga of WeWork has brought out the inner cynic in more than a few op-ed writers lately. I […]
Google & Levi's Partnership with wearable technology Google & Levi’s Partnership: Wearable Technology is Game-Changing There’s a new line of wearable tech that’s reasonably priced under $200. Better yet, they look like everyday, unobtrusive items.
stock chart Out-of-Control Pork Prices Will Drop in 2020: John’s Chart of the Week China consumes half the world’s pork. The African swine fever virus is threatening Chinese pork production, and fear of low supply is driving prices higher. John’s Chart of the Week shows a seasonal cycle on pork’s price movement. He suggests one stock to dump now — or, if you’re an options trader, there’s a way to profit from its decline.
Great Stuff 9-23-2019 AT&T’s Big Night at the Emmys Spells Trouble for Netflix & Disney
by Joseph Hargett September 23, 2019 Great Stuff
And the Emmy Goes To… So, the 71st Emmy awards show was on last night. If you watched the whole thing, you probably called in sick to work this morning. I watched the first 15 to 20 minutes of the thing, got nauseous and had to load up on Tums and Pepto. Yes, it was […]
Gold is the trademark of confidence in the U.S. dollar. The unresolved U.S.-China trade war adds uncertainty in the stock market and undermines the world’s faith in the greenback. When people run to safe-haven investments, as they’re doing right now, gold prices rise. Matt Badiali reveals why you must own gold stocks right now. Gold Is in a Bull Market — Buy Gold Stocks Now Gold is the trademark of confidence in the U.S. dollar. The unresolved U.S.-China trade war adds uncertainty in the stock market and undermines the world’s faith in the greenback. When people run to safe-haven investments, as they’re doing right now, gold prices rise. Matt Badiali reveals why you must own gold stocks right now. (2-minute read)

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“Loving this. Should have started a long time ago.”

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