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The market has seen so many dead cat bounces lately that these cats aren’t just bouncing … they’re dancing. Don’t be hypnotized — it’s a trap! Econ Recon; Jobs at Amazon; Theaters Be Gone
by Joseph Hargett March 17, 2020 Great Stuff
Dead Cats Can Dance Initial reports on the U.S. economy started rolling in this morning … and I’m not sure if you really want to look or not. The New York Federal Reserve’s Empire State Manufacturing Index plunged by the biggest margin on record: 34.4 points. The reading, which now stands at -21.5, indicates contraction […]
Nothing says “market confidence” like two interest rate cuts in less than a month. Great Stuff has you covered — with stock market confidence to spare. Fed on the Run; Apple Stunned; Airlines Plunge
by Joseph Hargett March 16, 2020 Great Stuff
When the Fed Hits the Fan… Anyone else feel like they’re stuck in a time loop? This morning, U.S. futures trading halted after hitting a down-limit loss of 5% … again. Then, immediately after the markets opened for regular trading, stocks plunged 8% to trigger another halt … again. This fresh round of Wall Street […]
Wall Street weights payroll tax cut promises. Also, stocks are up today … because stocks were down yesterday. Viral Taxes, Tesla Production Maxes, Dick’s Be Axin’
by Joseph Hargett March 10, 2020 Great Stuff
Tax Cuts for Viruses I have a TLDR (too long, didn’t read) for you today: Stocks are up today … because stocks were down yesterday. It’s a bit tongue-in-cheek, but if the shoe fits … I think we can all agree that the market’s volatility has just been ridiculous lately. The financial media tell you […]
Outbreaks such as SARS and the swine flu weren’t as deadly as many had feared. That seems to be the case again today with the coronavirus. Coronavirus Chaos: You HAVE to Buy This Dip Outbreaks such as SARS and the swine flu weren’t as deadly as many had feared. That seems to be the case again today with the coronavirus.
The market is dying to COVID-19 fear, but Great Stuff is killing it… (Phrasing? Do we not do “phrasing” anymore?) While Wall Street Falls, Great Stuff Goes Alpha Friday Four Play: The “Get a Leg up” Edition It’s no secret … I like being right. But to reference a line from The Matrix: “Not like this. Not like this.” So far this week, the Dow is off 3,200 points … and counting. Wall Street’s favorite barometer is down roughly 13% from its February […]

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