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There are 80 new tech companies whose products and services are finding their way into compliance-heavy industries in need of a boost to profits. The Hot New Tech Industry You’ve Never Heard Of November 16, 2017 by Jeff Yastine Investment Opportunities There are 80 new tech companies whose products and services are finding their way into compliance-heavy industries in need of a boost to profits.
What’s so interesting (and dangerous) is that it’s not mortgage debt, but all the nonhousing debt that’s leading the charge this time. Rising Debt Spells ‘Warning!’ for This Bull Market November 7, 2017 by Jeff Yastine U.S. Economy What’s so interesting (and dangerous) is that it’s not mortgage debt, but all the nonhousing debt that’s leading the charge this time.
If the electric car market explodes, as most analysts believe, copper demand will as well. Tesla can’t make electric cars without copper… Tesla Can’t Make Electric Cars Without Copper November 3, 2017 by Matt Badiali Precious Metals If the electric car market explodes, as most analysts believe, copper demand will as well. Tesla can’t make electric cars without copper…
The Navy SEALs’ choice proved so battle-worthy, this little airplane has developed quite a fan base in military circles in the years since. Buy This Navy SEAL-Approved Investment November 1, 2017 by Jeff Yastine Investment Opportunities The Navy SEALs’ choice proved so battle-worthy, this little airplane has developed quite a fan base in military circles in the years since.
Our national obsession with taxation is misplaced. In fact, it conceals a far more pernicious threat to our collective and individual prosperity: debt. U.S. Household Debt Growth Trends Since 1968 October 30, 2017 by Ted Bauman U.S. Economy Our national obsession with taxation is misplaced. In fact, it conceals a far more pernicious threat to our collective and individual prosperity: debt.

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