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Office space fixed the glitch meme The Jobs Report’s Stagflation Quagmire, Eli Lilly’s Fast Track
by Joseph Hargett October 6, 2022 Great Stuff
Twerkin’ On The Working Man Well, I get up at seven, yeah! And I go to work at nine. I got no time for livin’, yes, I’m workin’ all the … wait … what’s this pink slip? Great Ones, what’s the one thing keeping the talking heads on Wall Street from declaring an “official” U.S. […]
Elon buys Twitter where the fun begins meme Tweet Dreams Elon, Taters Gonna Tate & Megafabulous Micron
by Joseph Hargett October 5, 2022 Great Stuff
How Tweet It Is…. To be bought by Elon Musk? Yes, the Musky One finally gave in. Threw in the towel. Waved the white flag. Bought the… Jeez, we get it! At about noon yesterday, Elon Musk announced he was going through with his acquisition of Twitter (NYSE: ). The surprise announcement took Wall Street […]
Changing Up the Playbook (First Put of the Year) It’s been a rocky Q3 for the stock market… The S&P 500 hit a new YTD low this morning. So, what’s a trader to do?
But Jerry metaverse fr fr no cap meme Walmart’s Roblox Rodeo, Orbiting Planet Fitness, Li’s Unlucky Outlook
by Joseph Hargett September 26, 2022 Great Stuff
The Metaverse Odd Couple Great Ones, I’m usually prepared for most things on Monday morning. I’ve seen my fair share of “WTF?!” Monday moments in my time. But let me tell you … this morning’s announcement that Walmart (NYSE: ) is moving into the Roblox (NYSE: ) metaverse is among the strangest I’ve seen. Here’s […]
How We Beat the House on Las Vegas Sands Remember how last week I talked about when the RSI breaks the 30 level, that makes the market officially oversold… Well, this morning, it hit 29...

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