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How Government Spending Slows Economic Growth Economists generally say government spending is good for the economy. But, as with anything, sometimes you can have too much of a good thing.
Would you betray your friends for free pizza? Pizza or Privacy?
by Jessica Cohn June 24, 2017 Privacy Invasion
Would you betray your friends for free pizza?
Americans aren’t the best savers, and that can have a big impact on those years late in life when sources of steady income are harder to come by. 3 Tips to Save Your Retirement
by Jocelynn Smith June 23, 2017 Retirement
Americans aren’t the best savers, and that can have a big impact on those years late in life when sources of steady income are harder to come by.
This Metal Outperformed Gold and Silver by 300%
by Matt Badiali June 23, 2017 Precious Metals
This resource is probably the stealthiest bull market in the world. Its performance since 2009 beats every other metal out there…
The Power of Playing the Stock Price Drift Explained Before we went live with the Earnings Drift Alert summit, my publisher was reviewing the charts I submitted for the presentation, and one stood out to him.

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