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Insider trading is a great strategy for beating the market. But before you spend a dollar buying a new stock, the strategy needs more steps. The Insider Trading Mistake of a Lifetime
by Jeff Yastine October 23, 2018 Trading Strategies
Insider trading is a great strategy for beating the market. But before you spend a dollar buying a new stock, the strategy needs more steps.
USDT Cass Freight Index Depicts Longer Bull Market
by Anthony Planas October 23, 2018 U.S. Economy
Despite various headwinds, carriers placed a record number of orders for new trucks this quarter. September saw orders for semitrucks jump 92%.
U.S. GDP Is Riddled With Debt
by Ted Bauman October 22, 2018 U.S. Economy
If you only pay attention to averages, you’ll miss the most important things about the economy. And it’s likely to cost you a lot of money.
Inflation Is the Biggest Threat to the Stock Market
by Chad Shoop October 22, 2018 U.S. Economy
While the Federal Reserve may be a big threat to President Donald Trump's agenda, it isn’t the biggest threat to the stock market.
From high to low, stocks dropped about 7.8%. Of course, we don’t know if the bear market started yet. But we do know the decline isn’t over. The ADL Rate Just Reached Bear Market Levels
by Michael Carr October 22, 2018 Stocks
From high to low, the S&P 500 Index dropped about 7.8%. Of course, we don’t know if the bear market started yet. But we do know the decline isn’t over.

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