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Netflix not dead yet Monty Python meme Netflix Isn’t Dead … Yet, Flying Hydrogen Taxis & Elon’s Tweet Nothings
by Joseph Hargett July 20, 2022 Great Stuff
Streaming Stay Of Execution Great Ones, as we celebrate mediocrity, all the Netflix (Nasdaq: ) boys upstairs wanna see is how much you’ll pay for what you used to get for free… There goes the last DJ. Exactly. Yesterday, I revealed Netflix’s plans to start charging you for password sharing … and said I’d fill […]
Netflix Stranger Things password sharing meme Netflix’s Stranglehold; IBM Ex Machina; Hasbro’s Dungeon Crawler
by Joseph Hargett July 19, 2022 Great Stuff
Netflix Turns Upside Down Great Ones, have you ever heard the saying: “You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain?” While the quote is most likely drawn from the works of German philosopher Nietzsche, you probably remember hearing it in the 2008 blockbuster Batman movie The Dark […]
Bank earnings in Wonderland Goldman Sachs meme Goldman’s Lowered Expectations, Bouncing Boeing & Snap Back To Surreality
by Joseph Hargett July 18, 2022 Great Stuff
The Goldman Afternoon Great Ones, you can learn a lot of things from Wall Street banks, especially in the quarter ending in June. There’s a wealth of lowered expectations, all in the Goldman afternoon. Y’all remember that song from Disney’s Alice In Wonderland? Things are certainly getting curiouser and curiouser on Wall Street, and Goldman […]
Don't worry be happy now meme Great Glimmers Of Positivity; Hyzon’s Prime Time Destiny
by Joseph Hargett July 15, 2022 Great Stuff
Friday Feedback: The “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” Edition Here’s a little e-zine I wrote. You might want to read it note for note. Don’t worry. Be happy. In every market we have some trouble. But when you worry, your losses double. Don’t worry. Be happy. Great Ones, I have to thank you. Seriously. There’s no […]
Peak inflation Robin Batman meme Inflation Aggregation Aggravation, Snappy NFTs & Unity Dreams
by Joseph Hargett July 13, 2022 Great Stuff
And That Was All She Wrote… Great Ones, I woke up late after last night and I knew right away something wasn’t right. Inflation had blown. It took all I had and blew my portfolio apart … should have known it’d go bad right from the start. Where did we do wrong? Bye bye, baby, […]

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