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Usual suspects earnings COVID economy the Fed meme small The Fed Is Keyser Söze, Robinhood’s IPO In Tights & Amazon Basic Coin™
by Joseph Hargett July 26, 2021 Great Stuff
Wall Street’s Usual Suspects ♫ Into the thick of it! Into the thick of it! ♫ I’ve had that Backyardigans song stuck in my head all weekend, Great Ones … and I just had to share. But it’s not just a massive earworm, it’s also rather appropriate for this week on Wall Street. We’re definitely […]
Intel grave AMD data center market share meme small Intel’s Bottom Drops Out, Twitter’s Tweet Storm & GM’s Bolts Are Burning
by Joseph Hargett July 23, 2021 Great Stuff
Friday Four Play: The “Data Center Debauchery” Edition Let loose the dogs of war and break out the bourbon, Great Ones, ‘cause it’s Friday! Freedom! Well, it’s not freedom for everyone. I’m sure that Intel (Nasdaq: ) executives will be working overtime for the foreseeable future. The former semiconductor king presented what appeared to be […]
netflix earnings report and stock analysis Should You Buy Netflix? Ian King and Steve Fernandez take a look at Netflix’s latest earnings report to help you decide if you should buy its stock.
Interstellar Inflation wait for Wall Street worrying here meme small Last Call For Inflation Fears; You, Me & Genetic Privacy
by Joseph Hargett July 13, 2021 Great Stuff
The Last, Last Word On Inflation (For Real This Time) Sup, Great Ones! How are you lot today? Everything all right at home? In your portfolios? Anything you want to get off your chest and into our inbox for Reader Feedback? Just checking in on y’all before we dive into the meat of the matter […]
Joe Mr. Great Stuff / team Pooh fancy meme small Earnings Among Us: Branson’s Brave New World; Musk’s Solar-Powered Suit
by Joseph Hargett July 12, 2021 Great Stuff
Guess Who’s Back? Back again? Great Stuff’s back — tell a friend. Seriously, you’re not hogging this Stuff all on your own, right? I know, it was only a weekend, but it’s felt like forever since we’ve caught up on the market goodness, Great Ones. Also, if you want to know a secret … I’m […]

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