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Still looking for last-minute gift ideas? Don’t panic shop … Great Stuff has you covered. Panic Shopping; Tesla Goes Big in China
by Joseph Hargett December 20, 2019 Great Stuff
Friday Four Play: The “Panic Shopping” Edition (Did a friend forward you this email? If so, you owe them big-time! Seriously, this is Great Stuff. We don’t take that title lightly. After you’ve thanked your friend profusely, why not sign up for yourself today? It’s mostly painless. I promise.) So, you’ve got all your holiday […]
Peloton Gets Pounded; Lululemon’s Discount Yoga Pants
by Joseph Hargett December 12, 2019 Great Stuff
Have I lost my mind? Or am I seriously agreeing with Andrew Left and Citron Research on Peloton Interactive?
We’re staring down the barrel of what could prove to be the most eventful week of the year. What’s so important this week? Central banks and trade war deals, that’s what. Tesla Stock Price Insanity; Biotech Buyout Madness
by Joseph Hargett December 9, 2019 Great Stuff
Are You Ready to Make A Deal? We’re staring down the barrel of what could prove to be the most eventful week of the year … and the market is holding its breath. (But don’t hold yours. Seriously, it’s a week. You can’t hold your breath for an entire week!) What’s so important this week? […]
After seeing the November jobs report, I have just one thing to ask you: Are you not entertained!? Tesla Is Going to $500 … or Not, Whatever
by Joseph Hargett December 6, 2019 Great Stuff
Friday Four Play: The “Look at All Those Jobs” Edition (Did a friend forward you this email? If so, you owe them big-time! Seriously, this is Great Stuff. We don’t take that title lightly. After you’ve profusely thanked your friend, why not sign up for the free email today? It’s mostly painless. I promise.) After […]
Do you know where your towel is? A towel is a very useful thing. It can be clothing, a blanket, a rope, et cetera. Your “towel” in this case is your safety net. Avoid Wall Street FOMO With These 2 Rules
by Joseph Hargett November 27, 2019 Great Stuff
Do You Know Where Your Towel Is? Thanksgiving is tomorrow. Is your stomach prepared? I know you might be feeling a little bit queasy heading into the holiday break. The market is setting all-time highs. Optimism is growing on U.S.-China trade talks. However, we’re coming up on the one-year anniversary of the December 2018 sell-off. […]

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