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the fed wardrobe change Fed Tightening? Time to Change Your Financial Wardrobe December 7, 2021 by Ted Bauman Big Picture. Big Profits., Economy, News At first, it was tough to forgo almost all carbohydrates except those from vegetables … especially from a guy renowned for his pasta dishes. And my breakup with rice was especially poignant, given my love of South and Southeast Asian food. But I made the changes — and today I’m better for it. The Federal Reserve’s recent hawkish turn suggests a different kind of belt-tightening is just around the corner. Just as I had to give up some things to achieve the goal of a stable, healthy me, financial markets must make some changes if the Fed starts tightening interest rates. What are they likely to be, and how could they affect your portfolio?
Rush for a Change of Atmosphere Meme EVs Tangled Tax Weave, Power Grids Be Jammin’ & Volatility Be Slammin’ December 3, 2021 by Joseph Hargett Great Stuff Friday Feedback: The “Spirit Of Great Stuff” Edition End the week with a friendly voice, a companion so obtrusive. Plays that song that’s so elusive, and the magic lyrics make your portfolio move. Off on your way, hit the open market, there is Great Stuff at your fingers. Mr. Great Stuff ever lingers, undemanding contact […]
tech stocks rising inflation 3 Tech Sectors to Buy When Inflation Rises December 3, 2021 by Steve Fernandez Investment Opportunities, U.S. Economy, Winning Investor Daily Normally, inflation is bad news for the stock market. But it actually helps certain tech stocks.
Are You Confusing RSI and RS? You're Not Alone... Are You Confusing RSI and RS? You’re Not Alone… December 3, 2021 by Michael Carr Investing, Trading Strategies, True Options Masters Mike Carr clears up decades of confusion over RSI and RS — and reveals which of the two indicators is more likely to beat the market!
legal cannabis 2022 4 Reasons We’ll Finally Legalize Cannabis in 2022 December 2, 2021 by Jay Goldberg U.S. Economy, Winning Investor Daily Here are four key reasons why the U.S. will finally legalize cannabis in 2022…

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