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October has been a rough month. But the stock market is set to enter its own Tom Brady-like comeback mode, and you don’t want to miss it. The Market Is About to Have a Tom Brady Moment
by Chad Shoop October 30, 2018 Stocks
October has been a rough month. But the stock market is set to enter its own Tom Brady-like comeback mode, and you don’t want to miss it.
This is a spectacular opportunity to take gains, pay no tax on them … and use those gains to make even more money — potentially tax-free. The Little-Known Trick for Tax-Free Gains
by Ted Bauman October 29, 2018 Taxes
This is a spectacular opportunity to take gains, pay no tax on them … and use those gains to make even more money — potentially tax-free.
Over the past two months, the S&P 500 fell 4%, while the gold price rose nearly 4%. That’s a warning sign. The first shot of the coming war… Gold Is Your Insurance Against a Market Crash
by Matt Badiali October 29, 2018 Gold
Over the past two months, the S&P 500 fell 4%, while the gold price rose nearly 4%. That’s a warning sign. The first shot of the coming war…
How did this happen, especially after the bank locked her accounts? The answer is surprisingly simple. It lies with social media firm Facebook. October’s Facebook Hack Destroyed Her Life Savings — Here’s How
by Joseph Hargett October 26, 2018 Privacy Invasion
How did this happen, especially after the bank locked her accounts? The answer is surprisingly simple. It lies with social media firm Facebook.
Investors Are Running From Saudi Arabia
by Ian King October 25, 2018 Global Economy
Saudi’s problems didn’t start with the the Khashoggi killing. That only adds to a long list of authoritarian tendencies undermining potential investors.

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