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Latest Insights on RUTH

Stocks Are Trading at Incredible Discounts — Do This Now! (4-minute read) Robinhood recently put out a list of the most popular stocks to trade now. Each one is a beaten-down stock with the potential to rally — or fall even further. But you can benefit from the downside by using one strategy for steady income.
Demand has surged for stock-trading info, and it sets off my contrarian senses. (They’re like spider senses, but nowhere near as cool.) Volatility Is Your Friend; Beyond Meat Is Hot Again
by Joseph Hargett April 24, 2020 Great Stuff
Friday Four Play: The “Shoeshine Moment” Edition I have a bit of a rant today. The thing is, I’m getting bombarded by friends and family asking how to buy stocks. It’s getting out of hand. “Relatives” are popping up all over the place asking for recommendations. Heck, I’ve even had people on my PlayStation friends […]
The U.S. Senate just passed a new $484 billion pandemic relief bill. I was just thinking that I wasn’t stimulated enough. Oilers Upset; Nothin’ Streamin’ but Debt
by Joseph Hargett April 22, 2020 Great Stuff
Much Ado About Nothing? For the past several days, Wall Street fretted over plunging oil prices. Well, Wall Street was concerned for a while … the financial media just decided it was finally time to take notice. In classic financial media form, however, it appears that the hype surrounding negative oil prices actually prompted a […]
Earnings season headlines promote a feeling of “everything’s OK” … but a darker message lies just beneath the surface. Relishing Relief: Fastenal Your Seatbelts
by Joseph Hargett April 14, 2020 Great Stuff
How Do You Spell Relief? And they’re off! The first (annual?) U.S. quarantined corporate earnings season kicked off this morning, and investors loved the red-hot rally action. It was 2% to 3% gains across the board as the market opened. Wall Street finally has concrete data on how the pandemic has affected American businesses. JPMorgan […]
Time to Stop Bailing Out Corporate America [4-minute read] Taxpayers have seen this movie before … reward poorly run large corporations with money from Washington in the belief they’ll invest in creating jobs. It doesn’t end well.

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