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Latest Insights on RCL

Most Federal Reserve officials expect short-term interest rates to stabilize at 2.5% to 3%. This is devastating news if you’re hoping to retire someday. The ‘Dot Plot’ Confirms Bad News for Retirees
by Michael Carr June 19, 2017 Income
Most Federal Reserve officials expect short-term interest rates to stabilize at 2.5% to 3%. This is devastating news if you’re hoping to retire someday.
Uncertainty surrounding tax-advantaged retirement plans means you need to look at alternatives as a matter of urgency. Congress Wants to Tax Your 401(k) Upfront
by Ted Bauman May 15, 2017 Taxes
Uncertainty surrounding tax-advantaged retirement plans means you need to look at alternatives as a matter of urgency.
Your Secrets: Known … and Sold Without asking us, Big Data companies harvest, analyze and sell every scrap of data they can glean from our use of their products.
Wall Street firms are also chasing their dreams with computing power. And what they’re dreaming of is obvious: making lots of money. Wall Street’s Wildest Dreams Come True
by Michael Carr April 11, 2017 Trading Strategies
Wall Street firms are chasing their dreams with computing power. And what they’re dreaming of is obvious: making lots of money.
Don’t get me wrong: I’m a big fan of what Tesla has accomplished. But when you have a stock that’s overvalued as much as Tesla is, you want to be careful. Tesla Stock is Overvalued: A Bottom May Come Soon
by Chad Shoop April 10, 2017 Trading Strategies
Don’t get me wrong: I’m a big fan of what Tesla has accomplished. But when you have a stock that’s overvalued as much as Tesla is, you want to be careful.

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