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The Surveillance State Is Here - Government The Surveillance State Is Here
by Ted Bauman January 23, 2017 Privacy Invasion
Can you trust the person across the counter from you? Dr. Mark Rettenmaier did, only to find a government informal collaborator, and now he’s paying the price.
Prepare for President Trump Prepare for President Trump
by Jessica Cohn January 21, 2017 U.S. Economy
As Donald Trump's inauguration shows, it's absolutely crucial to prepare for the unexpected. Especially since 2017 may have some surprises in store for the stock market...
Trump Inauguration Day Inauguration Day
by Bob Bauman January 19, 2017 Government & Politics
Friday is Inauguration Day for Donald Trump. That word, “inauguration,” comes from the Latin original, meaning a “consecration or installment under good omens.” Let’s hope so!
Nvidia: An Internet of Things Powerhouse An Internet of Things Powerhouse
by Joseph Hargett January 19, 2017 Stocks
The Internet of Things (IoT) is no longer just a buzzword in tech circles. It is a tech revolution that researchers predict will top $373 billion in 2020.
Take a look at the outperformance on the day these companies' CEOs stopped by to see Trump. Trump’s Rule of Law
by Chad Shoop January 17, 2017 Stocks
Take a look at the outperformance on the day these companies' CEOs stopped by to see Trump.

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