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Social Media Regulation & Stocks: Stay Away, Bargain Hunters
by Michael Carr September 10, 2018 Privacy Invasion
Social media is an “anything goes” media platform. That’s OK for some things. But policy makers are concerned that political speech needs regulation.
Collectibles Shield Your Money From Market Volatility There are fortunes to be made in collectibles. But they underscore something more important. They showcase how smart it is to diversify your wealth.
Why September Is a Sluggish Month for Stocks Doom and gloom are high this week. But don’t fear. Seasonality is on our side. September is a great time to buy stocks at good prices.
Class Warfare Is Already Happening Here
by Ted Bauman September 3, 2018 Government & Politics
People are going to get tired of waiting for their lives to improve. When they do, they will start to act out politically and destabilize the country.
Trump’s NAFTA Deal Doesn’t Matter to Traders
by Michael Carr September 3, 2018 Government & Politics
Tariffs won’t create jobs. Government mandates won’t create wealth. That means traders won’t react to new trade agreements. News reporters will.

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